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Tools for civic participation are growing since more inclusive city-making policies have emerged on the urban planning agenda's across EU. 
Together with Intrestik Studio Munich we decided to examine what is the role and the potential of serious gaming in the co-design process, by organizing a 2-day Dutch-German-Austrian-Swiss urban professionals conference and a demo of different planning games and simulations.

type: co-design process management / stakeholder co-design workshop
#urbansim #codesign #civicparticipation #gamingforeveryone

client: Bundeszentrale fur Politische Bildung, Bonn, Germany

supported by: Creative Holland / Creative Munich
partner: Eric Treske / Intrestik Studio Munich

collaborations - from the Dutch side: Achileas Psylidis, AMS-Amsterdam Metropolitan Solutions, Burton Hamfelt, Burton Hamfelt Architects, Peter van Waart, Hogeschool Rotterdam

year: 2018

status: completed


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